Freight news

Quarantine requirements of the country are to be fulfilled

On February 1, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supply in Brazil issued new regulations and import requirements for wood and wood packaging materials through IN 32/2015 (“Instrução Normativa Mapa nº 32/2015”).

All import shipments containing wood or wood packaging material must comply with the new regulations. Accordingly, the wood must be properly treated and visibly marked with the stamp “IPPC” (International Plant Protection Convention). The fumigation certificate must also accompany the shipment. The common ISPM-15 marking from Germany is officially recognized.


Any freight not meeting the above requirements will be retained until the lumber is re-exported as a new shipment back to the origin station at the consignee’s expense. Consignments may be substantially delayed and additional costs are incurred as well as additional costs for interim storage.

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